芝加哥大学病理学系教授,主治医生。中国科学院生物物理研究所研究员,中组部2009年特聘“千人计划”,曾获Howard Hughes Medical Institute Fellowship for Physician Scientist及NIHClinical Investigator Award等奖。近五年来在Nature Medicine,Immunity,JEM,PNAS等刊物上已发表数十篇论文。
PHD, MD, professor of Department ofPathology, the University of Chicago. He is also a researcher of Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Biophysics,and a member of the state “Thousand Talent Program” in 2009. Awards includeHoward Hughes Medical Institute Fellowship for PhysicianScientistand NIH Clinical Investigator Award. Dozens of publications published inNatureMedicine, Immunity, JEM, PNASand other magazines.